Content creation can be one of the most difficult and tedious parts of the design process. Even if you can create the perfect layout and aesthetic appeal your site can still be boring and turn off potential customers. The content that you fill your pages with are the heart and soul of any site. It is the bridge that connects your ideas and information to any potential customers viewing your page, which makes it essential to get right.
Thesaurus, thesaurus, thesaurus…
Using a thesaurus while creating content for your site is one of the most valuable tips I can give you. A thesaurus is a fantastic way to spice up your language. It allows you to use a much wider range of vocabulary that you might otherwise be unaware of and can help you get your point across much easier. It is important to know the limits of the thesaurus, however. Using words that are too difficult for the average audience, or that would be completely unknown to yourself without the aid of a dictionary are a no go. That’s not to say large and complex words should be completely avoided, just that word choice should always be used to enhance the readers understanding and experience.
Learn the Lingo
As a web designer, and more specifically a content manager, I can tell you that there will be many times that you are asked to build a site for an industry you know nothing about. As someone who sits behind a computer most of the day, I’ve found my knowledge of the road repair industry a tad bit sub par. While it may seem time-consuming to delve into the finer points of an industry when creating a new website, It creates a much better outcome.
Learning not only the vocabulary words but the many processes that are involved with the industry you are creating a site for is imperative. By having a base level knowledge you can better represent the industry you are making the site for, which leads to a better overall product and a better user experience.
Knowing how to present the information you have acquired is another important step in the content creation process. If I were to create a site selling equipment to road repair companies, I can expect the user to be pretty acquainted with the terms and process of that industry. Very few consumers would be looking for road repair equipment if they had no fundamental understanding of how road repair works. On the other hand, if I were creating a site for someone offering road repair services to individual consumers, such as those looking to repair or replace a driveway, coaching them through the terminology and processes offers a better overall user experience. By helping them to understand more of what goes into the service being offered, they are more likely to purchase the service.
Keep it Real
When building a site, whether it is for yourself or for a client, it is key to present the business in a very flattering way. However, it is very easy to go overboard. If you were to present a company as a large workforce when it only employs two individuals, the customer could end up feeling duped and as a result review the service poorly. Whether offering a product or a service, the customer should be presented with factual information that allows them to make an informed decision about their purchase. It is better to provide a customer with incentives such as low cost or high-quality service rather than to mislead them through the content on a website.